Tree Shelters – 18 inch Mesh (Bundles of 10)


250 in stock


We do NOT ship shelters!

(prices subject to change depending on suppliers)
We don’t plant trees without some kind of shelters. For shrubs like hazels, blueberries and Aronia we offer the following:

Branches are able to grow out of the large mesh holes of these inexpensive shelters, while the inner core of the shrub is protected from rabbits. The yellow mesh also helps mark the location of the tree. These lightweight shelters can be staked with inexpensive bamboo stakes. Usually a vigorously growing shrub will support the shelter after 2 years of growth. These come in tight bundles of 10.  They are a pain to separate out, so we only sell them in their bundles of 10. You get 10 mesh shelters for your $10.

Warning! If you order shelters or stakes expecting them to be shipped, you will NOT receive a full refund. (Square keeps their processing fee.)

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