Persimmon, American Scion Wood – Sold Out


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Note: scion wood is NOT a  tree
We offer high quality scion wood for grafting at $5/stick (8 inches). Quantities of some varieties are limited. Scion wood will be carefully labeled and shipped early spring. Call or email for clarification about shipping times. Some scion wood will be shipped while actively growing for green-wood grafting. Detailed grafting instructions are also available on our website at Helpful Info/Grafting.

Because of quarantines and/or distance we do not ship to the states of  Hawaii, Florida, California, Alaska, Oregon and Washington.

Deadline for orders March 31

Persimmon, American: (all varieties below are female unless noted otherwise)
100-45—large fruit, similar to 100-46 (AKA Lehman’s Delight).
100-46 (AKA Lehman’s Delight) —very large fruit, excellent flavor, very late ripening
A118 (AKA ‘Elmo’)—Large fruit, heavy bearing, and excellent flavor
Dollywood —Very large fruit, excellent flavor, spreading tree form.
Early Golden—A very old variety, discovered in the 1880s, but still regarded as the best tasting persimmon by many.  It produces some male flowers, so it can pollinize itself and other persimmons.  Often used in breeding
H118 (AKA Early Jewel)—Still under evaluation
H120— “AKA Claypool” Very large fruit, excellent flavor
H63A —Very large fruit with excellent flavor.
I-94 (AKA Valeen Beauty) — Large fruit, clear, red-orange flesh, excellent flavor.
Iowa Arboretum  South (female)—Large fruit with very good flavor and very cold-hardy.  Original tree is from the Iowa Arboretum near Ames, IA, about 200 miles NW of the persimmon’s native range.  Fruit is pale yellow when ripe.
Lena—Medium fruit with red-orange flesh, exceptional flavor, late ripening
Morris Burton—Medium fruit size, exceptional flavor
Osage—Medium sized fruits, excellent flavor, heavy bearing, early ripening
Prok—Largest of all American persimmons, excellent flavor, heavy bearing
Szukis—Male tree, good pollinizer, produces small quantities of small but tasty fruit
Wapello (female)—Very late ripening—November/December—of small fruit, but extremely heavy bearing and fruit hangs on the tree all winter, with a little bit dropping every day until March or April.  A great wildlife tree, but also the seedlings make especially vigorous rootstocks.  Grafted trees on these rootstocks are twice as productive compared to grafted trees on “ordinary” rootstocks.
Wapello (male)—Pollinizer for the exceptional Wapello seedling rootstocks
WS-810 (AKA Barbara’s Blush)—very large fruit, excellent flavor
Yates (AKA Juhl),— very large fruit, excellent flavor, heavy bearing

Additional information

Weight .235 oz
Dimensions 8 × .25 × .25 in

100-45, 100-46 Lehman’s Delight, A118 (Elmo), Dollywood, Early Golden, H118 Early Jewel, H120, H63A, I-94 Valeen Beauty, Iowa Arboretum South (female), Lena, Morris Burton, Osage, Prok, SAAP, Szukis, Wapello (female), Wapello (male), WS-810 Barbara’s Blush, Yates Juhl


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