Apple Scion Wood – Open


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Note: scion wood is NOT a  tree
We offer high quality scion wood for grafting at $5/stick (8 inches). Quantities of some varieties are limited. Scion wood will be carefully labeled and shipped early spring. Call or email for clarification about shipping times. Some scion wood will be shipped while actively growing for green-wood grafting. Detailed grafting instructions are also available on our website at Helpful Info/Grafting.

Deadline for orders February 28

Ashmead’s Kernel—Old heritage russet apple, full flavor, dessert or cider
Baldwin—Old heritage, all-purpose apple
Belmac—Canadian cultivar. Has flavor and keeping ability with cold and disease resistance. Sweet, medium to large
Chestnut Crab—small apple with exceptional flavor, also good for cider
Cox’s Orange Pippen—Said to be best flavored apple in the world, but challenging to grow in Midwest
Keepsake—This highly flavored apple is the parent of Honeycrisp.  It is highly disease resistant, very cold-hardy, and keeps up to 6 months
Kingston Black—Heritage single-variety bittersharp cider apple from Britain,  may be hard to grow in Midwest
Liberty—Very disease resistant, all-purpose apple
Mac Free—A highly disease resistant McIntosh-type apple
Roxbury Russet—Oldest American apple, dates to 1600s, full flavored dessert or cider
Suncrisp—This very crisp, heavy-bearing, highly flavored apple is from a cross between Cox’s Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious.  Flavor develops in storage, and by January it tastes like a Cox’s Orange Pippin
Wealthy—Extra hardy all-purpose apple from Minnesota
Wolf River—Extremely large pie apple

Additional information

Weight .257 oz
Dimensions 8 × .25 × .25 in

Ashmead’s Kernel, Baldwin, Belmac, Chestnut Crab, Cox’s Orange Pippen, Enterprise, Fedco Golden Russet, Frostbite, Golden Nugget, Goldrush, Keepsake, Kingston Black, King David, Kronebush, Liberty, Mac Free, Malus Serversii #5, Roxbury Russet, Suncrisp, Wealthy, William's Pride, Winekist, Wolf River


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