A quick introduction to pawpaws.
Handling and cooking with pawpaws.
Because pawpaw skin and seeds can cause nausea and diarrhea if consumed, they should not be included in any recipe. You can skin the pawpaw, then cut it in half, removing seeds from the pulp. A less messy way is to cut the clean but unskinned pawpaw in half lengthwise (from tip to tip), exposing the two rows of seeds. Remove the seeds with as little flesh as possible (you can plant the seeds), then scoop the flesh from the pawpaw skin with a spoon. The resulting pulp can be used as is, frozen or pureed in a blender to make lump-free pulp. Exposure to air will turn the pulp brown within one hour. The volatile flavoroids will evaporate as well. It is best to refrigerate or freeze pulp immediately. Pawpaws can also be used anywhere bananas are called for.