The Comercial Chestnut Growing Conference held at Letts, Iowa on February 11, 2017 was video taped by Iowa State University Extension – Louisa County. Thank you very much Kathy Vance for all your wonderful work.
Roger Smith started the conference talking on markets for Chestnuts.
Tom Wahl followed discussing site selection and care for a chestnut planting. His outline, Establishment of Chestnut Plantings, follows most of the presentation. The Woodland Suitability Table is also used in the presentation. (Wahl has found multiple errors in the Woodland Suitability Table and is no longer recommending it as a resource)
Lisa Louck, Iowa DNR forester, talked on the options for finacial assistance or cost share available for planting chestnuts.
Mike Gold from the University of Missouri Agroforestsry Center, talked on which varieties of chestnuts are most suited to the MidWest. Mike Gold’s Chestnut Cultivar Handout is also available.